The Pico-Ice is a printed circuit board with both an RP2040 and an FPGA. It only costs $35, and it has a USB connector, so it is great for using MicroPython with an FPGA.
There are multiple reports that MicroPython works on the Pico-Ice. But we need a small library that does a few more things.
First a few words about the device. The USB connects to the RP2040. The C language firmware now has a user interface option to pass the USB through to the FPGA. There are two flash memories, one for the rp2040, and one for the pga. And there are 8 wires which connect the two devices.
The following might be good to be done. They may already have been done.
The data sheet says that multiple USB devices are supported. Awesome! We need to Enable multiple USB Devices, one for the RP2040, one for the FPGA. That way the user on the PC could talk to the FPGA or to MicroPython.
Extend the MicroPython USB source code. One USB device mode goes to the RP2040 zeptoforth, the other one goes to the fpga. Maybe a button to swap what the USB interface points at.
Connect to the 8 FPGA to RP2040 wires. UART? SPI?
Toggle the FPGA pins so that the FPGA can boot from the RP2040 flash drive as is done now.
Connect one RP2040 PLL to the USB, the other to drive the FPGA.
Send an interrupt from the FPGA to the RP2040 to switch a sole CDC console between devices. And a way to go from RP2040 to FPGA.
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